ayurvedic clinic in delhi
ayurvedic clinic in delhi
ayurvedic clinic in delhi
ayurvedic clinic in delhi
ayurvedic clinic in delhi
ayurvedic clinic in delhi
ayurvedic clinic in delhi

Yoga  » 

Yoga is an ancient art of living with peace of mind and honesty of soul. Yoga can heal your mental stress and keeps you away from Doctors!!! Yoga is stress relieving and happiness provider.

But every art must be done with some basic information/knowledge about it. Because not using it properly may harm you as well. So, we would like to take opportunity to visit us to get all the latest information about Yogasana. Here some very basic things are put up on the board week after week and every month different topics related to health are on focus. The good news is that "All this for Free". You do not need to pay a single penny to have it.

So, have a full knowledge of Yoga and start doing it.

We offer

  • Fitness yoga
  • Prenatal yoga(Yoga in Pregnancy)-First, Second, Third Trimester
  • Post Natal Yoga(Post Delivery Yoga)
  • Kids Yoga
  • Corporate Yoga

We provide yoga sessions in groups and individually

Natural Herbal Steam Bath  » 

Herbal leaves and roots are boiled and the steam passed through the body for a prescribed period of time. Indications - obesity, joint pains.

The oldest know medical system, Ayurveda, considered sweating so important to health that it prescribed the sweat bath and thirteen other methods of inducing sweat. Swedhana, or steam therapy is part of Ayurvedic seasonal recommendation for detoxification, Panchakarma.

Aroma Therapy is a system of health emphasizing relaxation and stress management. Essential oils, extracts, herbs or decoctions may be placed directly in the water so it is an ideal therapy paired with steam. Steams are infused with essential oils and herbs according to Ayurvedic tradition. Particular blends soothe and enrich the skin while their aromas promote deep relaxation, stress reduction, vitality and emotional balance.

Sweating and steam therapy have a number of beneficial physiological effects. Circulatory changes produced by vasodilation increase blood flow to the skin and decrease blood flow to internal organs. This helps to bring vital nutrients to the skin and subcutaneous tissue stimulating cellular activity. Any increase in the metabolic rate also burns calories, improves circulation, promotes water-weight loss and beautifies skin.

Mud Therapy  » 

Earth is one of the five remedies in nature care mud therapy has a vital role in Naturopathy. Mud is applied on different parts of the body to cure diseases.

Mud therapy is useful in headache, body pains, constipation, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, piles, stomach ache, irregularity in menstruation, leucoderma, burns, wounds, burning soles and palms.

It is very useful in pimples, boils, spots, patches and constipation. It reduces the temperature, cleans the skin tissue and improves the complexion of the face or body wherever applied.


  • Cooling of the affected part: the cooling effect of a mud pack is much greater than that of a wet water pack, it reduces the body temperature and is useful in high fever.

  • Absorption of toxins: mud has a wonderful and unique property of absorbing the toxins from the body.

  • Reduction of swelling: a clay pack reduces the swelling of any part of the body.

  • Relaxation of tension: A clay pack reduces tension of the muscles and soothes over-stimulated nerves.

Acupuncture  » 

Acupuncture is the insertion of ultra-thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on the body which reside on channels or meridians; these are pathways in both the exterior and interior of the body. These points, when needled, can regulate the way in which the body functions. Acupuncture helps by addressing problems that affect fertility such as an under-functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism) or over-functioning thyroid (hyperthyroidism).

ayurvedic clinic in delhi
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